All animals on the ipad

After each issue is created in print, I switch gears and reformat stories to work on the iPad. Space is limitless and allows extra content to be added.
Often stories include extra images in a slide show, interactive graphics, videos and sound clips. Enjoy!

room for change

The design includes interactive captions, a slide show, scrolling timeline and an interactive display comparing the four different systems for laying hens. A battery cage hen spends her entire life in a space the size of a standard iPad. Make sure you buy free-range eggs!

End of culling?

The opening frame includes a video the photographer filmed of a herd of elephants in South Africa. There is also a slide show and a map that enlarges to show detail and interactive captions.

do you know how your mascara is made?

The cover is animated with the mascara wand coming in from the left. The opening frame shows a beautiful woman and once you swipe to continue, all of the symptoms are revealed that animals in labs experience. The design also includes interactive captions, an interactive sidebar showing 5 ways to celebrate cruelty-free week and a scrolling sidebar on product labels.